Guest author Kerri Newell has kindly agreed to update us on the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail – here she writes about her ride from Beechworth to Everton and back again:
In Jan 2013 Roger and I cycled the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail, Wangaratta to Bright. This had been my first big adventure on my bike so I completed it in small chunks over a few days; some days Roger would cycle back to the car then drive back for me as I simply could not manage the distances. I was still learning how to use gears at that stage so there was no way I would be able to cope with the steep side line from Everton to Beechworth.
After a family weekend at Swan Hill in March 2017 we decided to drive on and stay at Beechworth for a few nights to complete “that last little bit”!

Starting at Beechworth
The Murray to Mountains brochure stated Beechworth to Everton “Easy down – Challenging up”. Also, looking at the gradient (300 m of climbing) we knew it would be preferable to start at Everton doing the uphill first. However, it was more practical for us to start from where we were staying.
We set off from the Caravan Park skirting around beautiful Lake Sambell then along a quiet backstreet, an easy 2km ride to the Railway Station. There is parking there if you were to drive to the start.
We were off and it was pretty well straight into descending. The track was wide and bituminised so it made for very easy cycling. We were rolling along quite quickly, over little bridges and through rail cuttings to our first stop at Baarmutha Station site, 5 km down the hill.
(Rail Trail sites usually have these signs and sometimes you may see remnants of a platform.)
We continued on and before we knew it we had cycled 15 km to the junction which joined the main line.

Everton Station
We rode on 350 metres north to the Everton Station site. It had seating, toilets and rainwater tank for refills so we stopped for a snack. Here we met a lovely retired Canadian couple who were heading the other way. They shared some stories of their cycle trips across Canada, carrying all their camping gear on their bikes of course!!
We went on towards Wangaratta for another 6 km to the Tarrawingee Station site. This bit was flat and open with not a lot to see so we turned around and headed straight back to Everton.

Back to Beechworth
Roger decided he’d continue on towards Bright for a while but I thought I’d better start up THAT hill!! It was a steady, relentless climb. I stopped several times to catch my breath and at least being on my own I was able to pace myself.
It was a very tranquil ride, just me and the flies, butterflies and birds with no one passing me the whole way!
Ahhh it was relief to see the township ahead! However, it was very rewarding to have finally completed that scenic but challenging section of the Murray to Mountains Trail. After photos at the Beechworth Station we rolled on back to the Caravan Park.
The day had turned into a warm one and after more than 3 hours of cycling it was almost 2 o’clock!
Later on we went for a wander around the lovely historic town. Of course we made a stop at Beechworth Honey for some honey tasting, how do you choose from over 30 delicious flavours? For a leisurely activity you can “Bee Active”, hire a bike from there and go on a 7.6 km Blossom to Blossom Cycle ride. That sounds like fun?
Our plan for the next day was to drive to Everton then cycle to Myrtleford…. but that is another story!!

Kerri has also recently completed the Camperdown to Timboon Rail Trail.
You can get more information about the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail at the Rail Trails Australia site. Tour de Vines also offers an excellent detailed guide on where to ride, sleep eat and drink on the trail.
Just over the border in southern New South Wales, is the Tumbarumba Rosewood Rail Trail.