Confirming your booking
LCT Southern Tour
- Please make your deposit payment of $50 to the account shown below by Friday 28 February 2025.
- You must also be a current member of the Friends of the Lavender Trails for your booking to be accepted. You can join or renew ($20 per annum) at SA Recreation Trails website
- Final payment of $135 must be made by Friday 1 August 2025.
Helen Dominish TA Uncool Cycling Club
BSB 065165
Account Number 1045 5504
Where it is possible to provide a description for the payment, please use the code “LCT Southern Tour”
Cancellation policy
If you advise us that you wish to cancel your ride registration:
- up to six weeks prior to the trip, your payment will be refunded in full less a $10.00 administration fee.
- up to two weeks prior to the trip, your payment will be refunded if your position is taken by another person on the waiting list. A $10.00 admin fee will be charged.
- within two weeks of the trip, your payment will be forfeited.
Hot weather policy
In the event of hot weather, the decision to proceed with or cancel a ride is made by the Ride Leader(s), having regard to risk factors such as local weather conditions, trail accessibility, vehicle support, and the physical capabilities of riders in the group. In some circumstances, the Ride Leader may decide to amend, modify or shorten a scheduled ride.
Severe Weather
In the event of a ‘severe weather’ warning for the region being issued by the Bureau of Meteorology, the Ride organiser will make a risk assessment taking in risk of tree fall, exposure and lightning, and inform the ride participants of any change to the ride plan. If the ride has to be completely cancelled, we will consider what is reasonable in regards to a nil, partial or full refund giving regard to what costs have already been incurred on behalf of the group.
Bushfire policy
If a Total Fire Ban is declared by the CFS in the Fire Ban District where the ride is being held, the ride will be cancelled. In this situation an alternative ride may be offered. If the ride has to be completely cancelled, we will consider what is reasonable in regards to a nil, partial or full refund giving regard to what costs have already been incurred on behalf of the group.
Extraordinary event or circumstance
Sometimes events may be cancelled due to an extraordinary event or circumstance, weather related or otherwise, beyond our control. In this situation we will consider what is reasonable in regards to a nil, partial or full refund giving regard to what costs have already been incurred on behalf of the group.